Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dystopian Setting Of The Giver By Lois Lowry - 794 Words

In order for a person to truly live; they must experience a variety of feelings, choices and free will. Many authors obstruct this view in their writing with creating a dystopian society as the setting. Authors can construct their writing to display what seems to be a utopia setting; however in reality it represents a dystopian setting. This will then reflect on the character in the novel. The dystopian setting in The Giver by Lois Lowry entices Jonas’s commitment on running away by the society s unjust authoritarian orders that restrict freedom and provide lack of individuality to the community. In the dystopian society, which jonas lives people are confined by the unfair strict orders. Everyday people were expected to follow the rules and go about their life that way. Following the same routine everyday with everything being â€Å"perfect†. These rules didn’t allow individuals to think, speak, or do what they choose. It didn’t entitle people to their freedom. For example the author states â€Å"It was against the rules for children or adults to look at another’s nakedness; but the rule did not apply to new children or the Old. Jonas was glad. . . . He couldn’t see why it was necessary. He liked the feeling of safety here in this warm and quiet room; he liked the expression of trust on the woman’s face as she lay in the water unprotected, exposed, and free†(Lowry 24). The woman represents the society’s lack of freedom. It represents this because this is the one time the old womanShow MoreRelatedA Story of a Boy in a D ystopian Society in The Giver By Lois Lowry747 Words   |  3 Pages Lois Lowry, the author of the book The Giver, often portrays her young protagonists from her experience as a child. Lowry was born on March 20, 1937 (Dellinger). During her early life, she was very interested in reading and was very solitary (Dellinger). This is where she got her idea to become an author. 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